Golden Turmeric Latte with Probiotics! - By Sophie

Golden Turmeric Latte with Probiotics! - By Sophie

What is a golden turmeric latte? 

Golden Turmeric Latte is a drink beverage that capitalises on the benefits of Turmeric powder and other healthy ingredients like black pepper. A good nutritious milk is key when it comes to making golden turmeric latte, we suggest sweet milk like coconut milk. Watch the video above to learn how to make a warm, healing Turmeric Latte also known as golden milk has natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-arthritic properties. 


Here's how you can use our Turmeric Latte powder to make a delicious GOLDEN LATTE Probiotics! Recipe by our talented @moonchild_recipes

Buy our Turmeric Probiotics here.

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