marine collagen matcha vanilla drink

Why matcha is better than coffee

why matcha is better than coffee wellness lab


Matcha is a powerful caffeine booster and if coffee isn't your first choice in the mornings then here's why you should swap the black cup for the green one!

1. Matcha contains L-Theanine, which is an amino acid that helps the body to process caffeine more sustainably.

2. Matcha has less caffeine than coffee, where coffee offers an immediate spike of energy lasting a short period of time, matcha gives a more sustained energy boost lasting all day. No more caffeine crashing at the end.

3. Matcha is loaded with alkalising properties and oxidants and the matcha powder can be used not only with hot water or milk but also in baked goods. So many reasons why Matcha is better than coffee!

An easy way of using Wellnness Lab products in your Matcha latte is to grab yourself some almond milk, coconut butter, matcha powder & collagen powder (for healthy skin & joints) 

What you need for a Matcha Latte:

100ml boiling water

1/2 teaspoon matcha powder by Wellness Lab

1 tablespoon coconut butter 

1 scoop marine collagen powder by Wellness Lab

pinch of vanilla powder (optional)

Almond milk 


Add boiled water to a measuring jug and add the coconut butter, marine collagen and vanilla. Let sit for a minute then add matcha. With an electric whisk or blender, blitz up until frothy. Top with a splash of almond milk (or any milk you like! )

Matcha is the new coffee!

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